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Meet Alex and Shene' Scott of Lebanon - Nashville Voyager

Meet Alex and Shené Scott of Lebanon

Alex and Shene’ are featured in a recent news story in Nashville Voyager.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alex and Shené Scott. They, along with their team, shared their story with us below:

In 2001, Alex and Shené Scott committed their time and energy to serve their communities in youth ministry, as a firefighter and a teacher. Due to their passion for helping others and the life-altering events they experienced while performing their career responsibilities, they focused on volunteering to assist those individuals and families they met. In 2013, they, as well as their two children, experienced life-altering challenges within their family. Shené was strickened with severe food allergies, including gluten, peanuts, and tree nuts; Alex was experiencing issues with hypoglycemia. One child was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and the other with Type 1 diabetes…

Read full interview in Nashville Voyager:

Alex Scott, In The News, Nashville Voyager, Shene' Scott